SPUC members: We have planned a QI project for the 2025 calendar year. This project will run from February through October 2025 and will grant ABP MOC part 4 credit. The purpose of this project is to decrease the unnecessary use of abdominal x-rays in patients with constipation or abdominal pain. We need your involvement to make this project a “MULTICENTER” project. When joining SPUC in this project, you will have support with data collection, data review, run chart development and QI … [Continue Reading]

News and Resources
5 Things to know about AFM
Medscape has released the new CDC Expert Commentary “5 things to know about AFM.” Title: 5 Things to Know About Acute Flaccid Myelitis Expert/Faculty: Janell A. Routh, MD, MHS Posting Date: October 15, 2019 Link: medscape.com/viewarticle/919704?src=par_cdc_stm_mscpedt&faf=1 Also this month, a paper on AFM was published in Nature Medicine, with main authors from UCSF with CDC as collaborators. Date: 10/21/19 Type: Journal Article Title: Pan-viral Serology Implicates Enteroviruses … [Continue Reading]
A Response to “Pediatric Referrals to an Emergency Department From Urgent Care Centers”
SPUC members Tiffany Addington, Jennifer Johnson, Amanda Montalbano and Emily Montgomery wrote a response to an article in Pediatric Emergency Care The article was called “Pediatric Referrals to an Emergency Department From Urgent Care Centers.” Read the published response letter here. … [Continue Reading]
CDC Health Advisory: Increase in Influenza A(H3N2) Activity
March 28, 2019 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a health advisory, notifying clinicians that influenza activity remains high in the United States, with an increasing proportion of activity due to influenza A(H3N2) viruses, continued circulation of influenza A(H1N1) viruses, and low levels of influenza B viruses. Influenza should be considered as a possible diagnosis for patients with respiratory illness while local influenza activity remains elevated. CDC … [Continue Reading]